Temperaturne komore

Komore z regulacijo temperature
Vrhunska temperature stabilnost
Različna temperaturna področja
Toplotne obremenitve testirancev
Stresni testi
Priprava vzorcev

Prenosi – Tehnični listi

thumbnail of Technical data sheet TEMPERATURE CHAMBER TK-CK 2023

Temperature Chamber – Standard

thumbnail of Technical data sheet TEMPERATURE CHAMBER TK-CKLT 2023Temperature Chamber – Low

thumbnail of Technical data sheet TEMPERATURE CHAMBER TK-CKULT_ 2025

Temperature Chamber – Ultra low

thumbnail of Technical data sheet TEMPERATURE CHMBER – LOW TEMPERATURE FAST_2019

Fast Temperature Chamber (5 °C/min)

thumbnail of Technical data sheet TEMPERATURE CHMBER – LOW TEMPERATURE ULTRA FAST_2019

Ultra Fast Temp. Chamber (10 °C/min)

thumbnail of CS-october-2017-TK-1000CK_kambic_v4

Temperature Chamber for field use

thumbnail of CS-november-2017-TK-1000CKLTUF_kambic_v3

Ultra-Fast Temperature Chamber for field use

thumbnail of Technical data sheet TEMPERATURE CHAMBER – TK-64 CKULT, 2021Temperature Chamber  – Ultra Low (- 90 °C)
